We had a warmer than normal Halloween this year so Chris spent the day doing yard work before taking his young daughter out to hand out candy (she is too young for trick-or-treating). While waiting for the neighborhood kids to come around Chris spent some quality time playing with his daughter in the front yard. The following day he noticed that his wedding ring was missing so he and Jess, Chris’ wife spent hours looking for his ring. They turned the house inside out and looked in the planters that he was working in and also looked throughout the yard with no luck. Monday Chris found my listing on the TheRingFinders directory and called me. After a brief discussion we set my search for the following evening.
After my arrival Chris gave me a quick tour of the yard where he had worked, brought out a bag of leaves that he gathered while doing the yard work and showed me the part of the yard he and his daughter had played in. I searched the front yard where he spent time with his daughter and then moved my way to the back yard. I ran my White’s MXT over the bag of leaves and it sounded off. Due to the ring’s material the signal wasn’t a great one, but there was definitely a signal in the bag. I carried the bag over to one of the raised planters and checked it for signal, none were in the planter. I grabbed a large couple handfuls of leaves and placed them into the planter, the signal was in this pile of leaves. As I moved the leaves around with my pinpointer and eventually the Chris’ ring came into sight.
Chris and Jess were quite happy and a bit surprised that I found the ring.
Ring recovered 11-3-2015
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